Dear Elder Stoor:
You are herby called to serve as a missionary of The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. You are assigned to labor in the Washington DC North Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 24 months.
You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, November 30, 2011. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the English language. Your assignment may be modified according to the needs of the mission president.
Seth's mission president is James R. Matsumori. Seth's mission covers all of DC & the southern part of Maryland - between the Potomoc River & the Chesapeake Bay. It looks like an awesome area - big city for a country boy, but looks like the area is covered in trees & very pretty. Seth knows several people who have served in that exact mission and is excited to get with them and learn more.
We had quite a bunch over at 7 a.m. to have a little breakfast and watch Seth open his call. Both sets of Grandparents were there along with cousins - Shay, Colton, & Katie. Mike, Bryce, & Jordan came over & our whole family - Jim & Mara were getting off of a night shift. It was fun to share it with our family and close friends. The funny part was looking at the pix of my mom after:
She was straining pretty hard, but couldn't quite figure it out! |
And the Reaction - check out Seth's smile!! |
It was quite a spiritual experience to stand in the room and watch our son open his call. He is so excited and the call seems to be just perfect for him. We all know Jim was hoping that Seth would speak Spanish, but from what we hear, he will experience many different cultures in the DC area. This will be a perfect fit! I'm so proud of Seth for choosing to serve the Lord for 2 years. I know it is the right thing for him to do at this time in his life, even if I have to give him up for a few years - it will not be easy for this mom! Jim & I are blessed to have 4 pretty awesome kids - I hate the fact that they are growing up and moving out, but so proud of them for making good choices in their lives. We are all really excited for Seth, but he will experience lots of tears with all the girls in our home. Way to go Seth - the people of the Washington DC North Mission are a lucky bunch to get you!!